AMACO Velvet Underglaze Pint Rose

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SKU: A-37461B


When left unglazed, underglaze has a soft, velour look. Glaze with clear matte glaze for a satin finish, or gloss glaze to intensify color. Mix to create hundreds of colors. Apply to greenware before firing, or on 04 bisque and cover with a glaze before firing. Color remains true when fired to Cone 05/06 underglaze or fired to Cone 6. Lead-free. If left unglazed, Velvet Underglazes should not be used on surfaces which come in contact with food or drink. Food safe only when applied and fired under AMACO LG10 Clear Transparent Gloss Glaze. Pint jar. Rose. AP Seal, non-toxic.

Safety Data Sheet: Click here to view or download a pdf copy

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