Handy Art Washable Liquid Watercolors 8-Color Set

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SKU: RPC-882274


Create beautiful art by applying liquid watercolors with a brush, spray bottles, eye-droppers or straight from the bottle. Affordable for any group project. Mix to create new colors. Perfect for painting, dyeing or tinting dry materials such as papier mache, glue or adding to clay. They work well with rubber stamps, too. 4 oz. bottles feature easy-to-use, flip-top lids. Includes 8 colors: black, blue, brown, green, orange, red, violet and yellow. AP Seal, non-toxic.

Safety Data Sheet: Click here to view or download a pdf copy

Check out these art projects made with liquid watercolors:
Jackson Pollock-Inspired Action Painting
Claycrete Nature Hanging
Aboriginal Resist Drawings
Fun With Paper Plates: Fancy Guppy
Make Your Own Realistic Geode

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